
Adam Forster

Software Engineer / Web Developer / IT Support Engineer

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About Me

I have over 25 years of experience with computer technology. I have had a variety of roles including: software engineer, web developer, and IT and server support. I have broad experience with a variety of languages and technologies across many platforms.



Microsoft via Insight Global

Senior Automation Engineer

Supported thousands of Windows servers at OS level. Developed automation, monitoring, and tools in PowerShell. Managed code repository and ran code reviews. Created coding standards and best practices for the team.

Nintendo via Parker Services

Network Support, Troubleshooter, Back Office

Consumer support for wired and wireless networks across all of Nintendo's consoles. Remote network and router administration and configuration. Thin clients, Desktop, and Laptop PC support for internal employees.


Web Developer and Administrator

Designed and administered mobile-friendly consumer facing ecommerce website and administered web server and domain.

Akamai Reserves

Web Developer

Designed corporate website and reserve study request form. Custom reporting and marketing image work.

Charity Work and Independent Projects

Volunteer and Developer

Raised funds and charity work for CHOICE in Cambodia and Mercy Corps in India. Independent projects developed in Python and PowerShell.


Database Engineer and Software Developer

Designed mobile marketing campaigns for brands such as Ford and Macy's. Custom reporting, database administration, and web server administration.

Creditnet, N2H2, Compuserve, AOL, Mindspring

Software Engineer and Support Engineer

Website development and internet support.


Artificial Intelligence Artwork

I use Artificial Intelligence assisted software tools to collaboratively create works of art and images.

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Akamai Reserves

Corporate website for Reserve Studies company in Hawaii. Created reserve study request form and did custom database reporting.

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Credit Card Offer Search

Created in HTML and Perl with a Sybase database. Allows multiple search types with different sorting. Protection from SQL Injection Attacks.

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HTML5 Canvas Fireworks Show

Demonstration of the power of HTML5 Canvas and Javascript for cross device physics and animation.

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Star Pong

I created this 2 player game in Dark Basic with my own custom graphics, sound effects, and music. Similar to traditional Pong, but with a twist. Each paddle is actually a spaceship equipped with a force field and the ball is a flaming meteor! But watch out; The ships can also shoot lasers at each other that can disable the opponents force field.

Archive of Windows Executable

10,000 Dice Game

I created this BYOND (Build Your Own Net Dream) with my own custom created graphics and sound effects. Fully playable multiplayer online game with a lobby where players can gather and chat before and during the game. Game host can reset game, kick players, and ban players from their game.

Project Homepage

Dreamcast Image Slide Show

Image slide show homebrew application for the Sega Dreamcast console. Written in C and created with the open source KallistiOS. Reads JPEG images from CDs in the Dreamcast CD drive. One of the first and easiest ways to display images on a TV without the need for a computer.

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USE: Ultimate Search Engine

Written in Perl using WWW::Search. Back before Google took over the search engine space... There were many competing search engines. USE, the Ultimate Search Engine was one of the first search engine meta-crawlers. It searched multiple other search engines, then combined the results together in one easy to use result list.

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